Are you an expert in your field? Do you have the drive to complete your education and develop your career? Why not use what you already know to graduate more quickly and save money on tuition? If you have completed three college-level courses, you can enroll in ExcelTrack, our competency-based degree program.
Use ExcelTrack to save time and money on tuition.
What is an ability?
- It's the expertise you must possess to fulfill the prerequisites for your degree program and your professional aspirations. With ExcelTrack, you can graduate from an online program with the same degree as a conventional one but faster and cheaper. Single-credit courses that concentrate on growing one competency at a time make up each degree.
- You start with a readiness evaluation to see what you already know and move on from those subjects fast. After that, you can concentrate on picking up new abilities that are relevant to your work. Slow down or accelerate. The faculty will collaborate closely with you to ensure that you are ready for the final course evaluation, taking into account your schedule and personal learning trajectory.
- Take as many ExcelTrack courses as you like each term for one fixed tuition charge, excluding fees. Your time and money savings increase as you pass additional courses. Additionally, it will be to your advantage to get closer to earning your degree and advancing in your work.
The Center for Innovative Excellence is a simulation facility.
In the name of Chi Health St. Elizabeth, we are pleased to announce the establishment of the simulation center for creative excellence. To make this happen, we've been collaborating with the Purdue University Global School of Nursing.
For several months, this training facility will be a reality. On the sixth floor of our hospital's patient tower, the newly improved area will be situated. It will have two cutting-edge simulation rooms. The community of Lincoln, Nebraska, which is expected to suffer from a severe nursing shortage by 2025, will gain from this cutting-edge learning environment for nurses, healthcare professionals, and patients.
An additional 5,500 nurses will be required by the state. More than ever, it's critical that we train and support nurses in our state and local communities. The simulation center is crucial for several reasons, including this one. It is a very effective teaching and learning strategy to use simulation in nursing education. It develops one's capacity for critical analysis and reasoning. Nurses are placed in realistic situations throughout the simulations, forcing them to make quick decisions. They have the chance to practice in a secure setting with rules and guidelines.
Not only will we be able to teach the nurses who will make up our future workforce, but the simulation lab will also ensure that our present medical teams continue to advance.
Researchers believe that this simulation facility for innovative excellence will give our students the tools they need to be forward-thinking, have sound clinical judgment and critical thinking skills, and perhaps even prepare them to work here at Chi Health Saint Elizabeth eventually. It is our expectation and goal to involve our students in a highly regarded medical center as they prepare to become upcoming nurses.
We are thrilled about this collaboration because it gives our nursing faculty the chance to work with the highly respected medical professionals at CHI Health Saint Elizabeth, helping them to comprehend the rapidly evolving demands of health care while also promoting good patient outcomes. On behalf of the nursing school and Purdue University Global, we so anticipate a fruitful and extended partnership with CHI.
I am so appreciative to everyone who contributed to the creation of the simulation center for creative excellence, especially those of you at CHI Health St. Elizabeth and my coworkers at the Purdue University School of Nursing, under the leadership of the lovely Dean Melissa Birdie. For each of us, this is a truly historic chance. We will be able to better guarantee our students' success in their simulation research facility experience thanks to our partnership with a top hospital. Anticipate learning more about this for years to come.
This is a fantastic partnership for fantastic people. Much appreciated Spoiler alert To guarantee that our personnel provides the finest level of care, we must continually train them in the ever-evolving and developing field of healthcare.
Swifter Progress toward a Nursing Master's Degree
Are you an expert in your field? Do you have the drive to complete your education and develop your career? Why not use what you already know to graduate more quickly and save money on tuition? If you have completed three college-level courses, you can enroll in Excel Track, our competency-based degree program.
Defining a competency It's the expertise you must possess to fulfill the prerequisites for your degree program and your professional aspirations. With Excel track, you can complete a standard online program to the same degree more quickly and affordably. One competency at a time is the main focus of each degree's single-credit courses. To check, you start with a readiness exam.
Moving rapidly over those subjects and what you already know
Then, based on your timetable and unique learning path, you can concentrate on learning new skills that apply to your work. The faculty will collaborate closely with you to ensure that you are ready for the final course evaluation. Take as many Excel track courses as you like each term for a single, fixed tuition amount excluding fees. Learn more. The more subjects you pass, the more time and money you save, and the nearer you are to receiving your degree and rising in your job.
Where our DNA is wired for discovery
Who are we working with here? We will never cease seeking out and rethinking the upcoming paradigm shifters, boundary breakers, and game changers. Since discovery is ingrained in our DNA, we shall continue. Our biggest journeys are still to come, and they involve you and all that we will go through when you make your next enormous leap together.
International Successes of Purdue University
Purdue Global saw opportunities despite the difficulties that higher education faced. Considering that, Purdue Global has long offered a virtual environment. We quickly taught our colleagues how to host conferences and graduations virtually. We created instructive courses that have a real impact. At the Purdue Global Village annual conference, we had the most student participation.
Our innovative online graduation fair allowed graduates to attend from the comfort of their homes. Our December virtual commencement attracted the most participants in our history thanks to the committed students. Because this is what we always do, our teachers kept on.
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