

The World's Advanced Food Production Systems Rely on Energy and Air. It's a Hidden Lab Process!


Hidden Lab In Food Production


We're on our way to a top-secret research facility outside of Helsinki, Finland. Scientists here are cultivating a whole new species, one that they believe will feed the entire globe, in what appears to be a small-batch brewery. Hidden Lab In Food Production

Food has always been thought of as something large enough for cavemen to see and smell. In some ways, we are now going back in time to simpler animals. We don't have to make any sacrifices in terms of nutrition. It's the same type of food we've always eaten, but it's made up of single cells.

This is the company's first website, and the protein they're developing here is made of, well, air. We're frequently questioned if Solein is man-made. In fact, it's the polar opposite. It's possibly the most natural cuisine we've ever encountered. Solar meals, for an instance, combine power and carbon dioxide, which is abundant on Earth, to generate protein.

It's the same with today's plant behavior. using sunlight and CO2 from the atmosphere The goal of Solar Foods is to separate food production from agriculture. This might just work. A show showcasing unexpected answers to the world's most pressing issues.

Solar Foods is a food technology company, however, our primary focus is on clean technology. We've come to carry out an environmental mission. What we consume accounts for one-third of the environmental impact of human activity. Animal-based goods account for roughly 80% of this. Animals must be removed from the food chain in some way.

The purpose of solar food is to separate food production from agriculture totally and to eliminate the need for large quantities of space and resources in food production. Soleil, the most sustainable food ever created by humanity, is their solution. Soleil has one-tenth of the influence of plant-based proteins and one-hundredth of a percent of the impact of animal goods, notably meat.

The basic components of Solein are air and electricity. Not only does this offer the path for more sustainable food production, but it can also be produced in regions where food has historically been difficult to grow, such as drought-stricken deserts, isolated islands, or event spaces. While artificial meat alternatives may taste like the real thing, their biggest difficulty to date has been how to sustainably and inexpensively reinforce it with the primary reason people consume meat: protein.

Soleil is a single-cell protein that falls between dried meat and dry soy in terms of nutritional value. Simply put, we're cultivating this creature in a fermentor. It's comparable to brewing beer or wine, except instead of sugars, we feed hydrogen to the fermentor and the organism, which we create from water, electricity, and carbon dioxide. In the growing medium, we also add certain nutrients. Minerals such as phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, iron, and potassium are mixed together.

Plants normally obtain these minerals from the soil as they grow. It's a bright yellow tint, and the color comes from beta-carotene, so it's essentially the same as carrots. We run this procedure indefinitely, then remove the resulting liquid and dry the organism from it. After that, you're left with a dried powder. It is composed of 65 percent protein, 5 percent fatty acids, 15 percent dietary fibers, and a few minerals.

In addition, several scientists were researching how to feed people on long space missions. For decades, it was only used infrequently. It now appears to have a practical use. Carbon dioxide makes up the majority of Mars' gaseous atmosphere. So, in essence, the primary raw elements are already present.

Hidden Lab

Hidden Lab In Food Production Several scientists were researching how to feed people on long space missions

Solar Foods is still working on the original objective, developing preparations to transport Solein to Mars, but the company's owners are primarily concerned with feeding the spaceship Earth. While solving can be utilized as a pure protein for survival in harsh conditions such as space, solar foods recognize that in order for Solein to be widely adopted, it must be integrated into people's daily diets. As a result, it was created with a neutral flavor so that it may be added to foods that people already eat, such as noodles or cereal.

The aim is that it will arise as a whole new primary ingredient in the food system. We don't expect anyone to eat the dry powder, but we do mix Solein into a variety of food products, such as dairy alternatives and meat replacements, such as Solein on top of strengthening noodles, or even in the broth, to make a complete feast.

The Earth on which we live is incapable of supporting our current lifestyle. Carbon dioxide is a non-renewable resource. It is always available in the atmosphere.

Today, we think of it as a waste product or a pollutant, but in the future, it might be a very important raw material that is freely available everywhere. I'm exhaling right now. Some countries produce oil, while others do not. However, everyone now has carbon dioxide and access to energy.


As a result, we'll be able to capture it and turn it back into food. As a result, if we grow real meat in the future, the method of production will have nothing to do with the existing kind of industrialized animal husbandry or agriculture. However, as the cost of solar and wind energy decreases, we will be cost-competitive with all other proteins on a factory scale. Hidden Lab In Food Production

As they grow, a reality emerges in which our quest for sustenance is no longer based on deforestation, desertification, or the depletion of our oceans, but rather on a fully closed-loop system that works in tandem with nature.


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